What it might look like

View looking over the New Cut towards Southville illustrating apartments over the new garden centre with cafe on the river; foreground shows new public square with steps down to the water’s edge and A Bond on the left

View looking over the New Cut towards Southville illustrating apartments over the new garden centre with cafe on the river; foreground shows new public square with steps down to the water’s edge and A Bond on the left - click to enlarge

View looking down Avon Crescent showing the calmed roadway with easy access from Underfall Yard (left) to a repurposed electricity substation, here shown as a community resource; the new station for trains from M-Shed in the distance

View looking down Avon Crescent showing the calmed roadway with easy access from Underfall Yard (left) to a repurposed electricity substation, here shown as a community resource; the new station for trains from M-Shed in the distance - click to enlarge

View looking across Cumberland Basin towards Hotwells showing apartments above cafés, community spaces, workshops and workspaces; foreground shows a revitalised waterside of Cumberland Basin with apartments above active frontages and a wide waterfront

View looking across Cumberland Basin towards Hotwells showing apartments above cafés, community spaces, workshops and workspaces; foreground shows a revitalised waterside of Cumberland Basin with apartments above active frontages and a wide waterfront - click to enlarge

View from Hotwells looking across Cumberland Basin towards Spike Island from a café under the new apartment buildings towards the revitalised waterfront with Underfall Yard in the distance

View from Hotwells looking across Cumberland Basin towards Spike Island from a café under the new apartment buildings towards the revitalised waterfront with Underfall Yard in the distance - click to enlarge

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