Feedback on green spaces from autumn 2024 engagement:
How important is it to you that we keep Ashton Meadows free from new buildings?
How important is it to you that we create landscape better connected to both the river & the harbour, taking advantage of the views?
Heritage district
An area spreading west from Underfall Yard past the newly listed electricity substation, A Bond and B Bond (with publicly accessible archive and museum storage) and in an arc around the west side of Spike Island to the historic Brunel bridges and locks. The area is linked back to M-Shed by a new railway station serving the historic train.
Leisure trail
A leisure route picking up the existing skate park and pump track across a new footbridge over the Avon, with new exercise spaces under the flyover, improved watersports in the lock and then on to more amenities under the flyovers at Cumberland Piazza.
Flood defence walk
A new waterside park above and around flood defences, including lookout points along the river with a new large public square between A Bond and the Ashton Avenue Bridge that’s designed to fill during a rare major flood but whose lower levels allow you to engage with the river at other times.