Feedback on heritage from autumn 2024 engagement:

How important is it to you that we consider how the listed bonded warehouses could be converted to homes?
01. A Bond and B Bond
Homes and public heritage archives above public uses
02. C Bond
Homes above public uses
03. Ashton Avenue Bridge
Retained as active travel route
04. Avon Crescent
Traffic calmed
05. Junction Lock Swing Bridge
Enhanced active travel route
06. Quay walls & bollards
Public waterfront destination
07. Entrance Lock Gates
Enhanced active travel route
08. Knuckle walls
Elevated flood walkway
09. Brunel’s South Swing Bridge
Refurbished and repaired
10. Brunel’s Other Bridge
11. Avon Crescent substation
Re-purposed as cultural venue
12. Stone wall
Stone reused in the public realm
13. Grid Iron
Potential to reveal grid iron and historic dock
14. Heritage railway
Re-established into Western Harbour