
Western Harbour is at the western end of the City Docks conservation area with a dozen listed buildings or structures within or just outside it. Two Brunel bridges are listed Grade II* and the three very prominent Bonded Warehouses, Grade II. The masterplan sets out a menu of opportunities to restore or repurpose these assets in projects that can be taken forward more or less independently as funds and champions emerge. A key strategy of the masterplan is to limit the height of any new residential buildings so they are lower than the bonded warehouses and retain their prominence.

Feedback on heritage from autumn 2024 engagement:


How important is it to you that we consider how the listed bonded warehouses could be converted to homes?


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Homes and public heritage archives above public uses

01. A Bond and B Bond
Homes and public heritage archives above public uses

Homes above public uses

02. C Bond
Homes above public uses

Retained as active travel route

03. Ashton Avenue Bridge
Retained as active travel route

Traffic calmed

04. Avon Crescent
Traffic calmed

Enhanced active travel route

05. Junction Lock Swing Bridge
Enhanced active travel route

Public waterfront destination

06. Quay walls & bollards
Public waterfront destination

Enhanced active travel route

07. Entrance Lock Gates
Enhanced active travel route

Elevated flood walkway

08. Knuckle walls
Elevated flood walkway

Refurbished and repaired

09. Brunel’s South Swing Bridge
Refurbished and repaired


10. Brunel’s Other Bridge

Re-purposed as cultural venue

11. Avon Crescent substation
Re-purposed as cultural venue

Stone reused in the public realm

12. Stone wall
Stone reused in the public realm

Potential to reveal grid iron and 
historic dock

13. Grid Iron
Potential to reveal grid iron and historic dock

Re-established into Western 

14. Heritage railway
Re-established into Western Harbour

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